com.estimote.indoorsdk.algorithm.DefaultScannerBuilder |
com.estimote.indoorsdk.common.helpers.EstimoteIndoorHelper |
Helper for setting up connections between IndoorLocationManager, IndoorLocationView and BeaconManager.
It hooks necessary listeners for you, so the whole system will provide you with complete experience.
If you need to do some custom setup, you would need to setup all listeners by yourself.
The flow is rather simple:
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This is basic interface for communicating with Estimote Indoor Cloud.
To acquire concrete object use IndoorCloudManagerFactory.create method.
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Provides you with IndoorCloudManager objects for communicating with Estimote Indoor Cloud.
com.estimote.indoorsdk.algorithm.IndoorLocationManager |
Main object for estimating position from scanned beacons.
You should provide it with scanned beacons using method IndoorLocationManager.onScannedPackets
Data about scanned beacons can be acquired from from BeaconManager
Computed (x,y) coordinates will be delivered to your listener - don't forget to set it using IndoorLocationManager.setOnPositionUpdateListener!
You can use EstimoteIndoorHelper.setupIndoorPositioning to quickly setup listeners between view, manager and beacon scanner.
com.estimote.indoorsdk.algorithm.IndoorLocationManagerBuilder |
com.estimote.indoorsdk.view.IndoorLocationView |
Main view for drawing location (walls, beacons, objects, etc.) and user position on it.
You need to declare it in your XML layout file first and then traditionally bind it to an object.
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com.estimote.indoorsdk.algorithm.OnPositionUpdateListener |
Listener for delegating (x,y) coordinates from IndoorLocationManager.
com.estimote.indoorsdk.algorithm.ScanningIndoorLocationManager |