class IndoorLocationView : View
Main view for drawing location (walls, beacons, objects, etc.) and user position on it. You need to declare it in your XML layout file first and then traditionally bind it to an object.
Pawel Dylag (
IndoorLocationView(context: Context) IndoorLocationView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) |
fun hidePosition(): Unit
Hides the position (user avatar) from view until the next updatePosition is called. |
fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas): Unit |
fun setBorderPaint(paint: Paint): Unit
Sets the color of location's walls. |
fun setCustomPoints(points: List<LocationPosition>): Unit
Draws set of custom points on view. This method is used rather for debugging, but you can draw your custom points with it. |
fun setLocation(location: Location): Unit
Set the Location object for this view. You need to provide the view with location to draw. You can acquire Location objects from IndoorCloudManager |
fun updatePosition(newPosition: LocationPosition): Unit
Call this method when you get the position from IndoorLocationManager. This will update user's icon position on this view. |